Since Ventris “”deciphered”” the Mycenaean Scripts nobody was interested anymore to develop some thorough study in the already “known” languages like for ex. "Ancient Greek””.
Now people who study grammar and orthography of the Ancient Greek language is very familiar to the diacritic marks placed above the initial vowel in different words. The linguists already know the meaning of them like ā or ă placed above alfa. According to the linguists they are used to show either a long vowel or a short one. They explain also some other strange marks meaning: “the signs placed above the initial vowel indicate the presence of an aspirated sound or the absence of an additional sound”. They are called breathing. In other words breathing always occur before the first vowel sound of a word, and are either hard or soft.
They are indicated by either a ‘ or a ` over the first vowel. The former (hard) indicated an aspirated vowel (in other words, pronounce the word as if it began with an English “h” sound. The latter (soft) means there is no “h” sound, and simply pronounce the word as written (Oxcord University Press. ISBN 0-19-514956-4)
Let’s take a quick look at them:
Aspirate or rough breathing: a sign placed over an initial vowel or initial rho to indicate an initial h-sound
Thus between the linguists is establishet that because of that mark the above words are pronounced helios and hodos. To justify that they give the following explanation:
In the old Attic alphabet Η or heta represented the h-sound. In the Ionic alphabet, the same symbol represented a vowel, eta, because the Ionic dialect had lost aspirations and had no need for heta.
This explanation could be true but it proves exactly the opposite, that
because the lost of aspiration the initial vowel doesn’t need an additional aspirated h-sound. It might indicate the presence of another voiceless consonant before the vowel but never of the h-sound.
Unlike the Attic Greek the Ionic and Aeolic the aspirated h-sound before the initial is totally missing and so they don’t need to insert the sign in writing anymore because it doesn’t correspond the speaking.
I think that the sign doesn’t show the presence of aspirant h-sound but the presence of the semi-vowel ‘j’ which itself derives from a vowel i.
not helios~~~~~~~~~~~but~~~jelios
not hodhos~~~~~~~~~~but~~~jodhos
not hyllos~~~~~~~~~~~but~~~jyllos
not hellen~~~~~~~~~~~but~~~jellen
For example the albanian verb jap=give

Even today in Cam dialect(old Thesprotian language):
instead of Helen they use (J)elin, instead of (h)Yll(star) they use (j)ill.
Worthy to mention that the Ancient “”Greek”” word for the Horse:
is not pronounced hipos despite the fact that it derives from albanian verb të hipësh.
jump on, jump into
hipi (kr. thj., pj. hipa, hipur)
but j’ipos which is the short form of the Albanian ia(ja) ipësh.
the verb hip in Albanian is the synonim of the word kaloj.
ja hipi=ja kaloj=kërcej= jump on
kalë {m} (tr. shq. kali, shumës kuaj)
The other sign which is the mirror sign of the above and according them:
Smooth breathing: a sign placed over an initial vowel to indicate the absence of aspiration; hence, no additional sound
…to indicate the absence of an additional sound ??????
If so why does the writer need to insert an extra sign above the vowel when simply could let without it?
Because the sign doesn’t mean absence of aspirated sound but the presence of something else.
To answer this question lets look at the following short dictionary:
preposition equivalent to the English un(without).
Now let’s take a look to the Albanian language:
English (99 entries.)
Shqip (99 hyrje.)
pa përzemërsi, pa kënaqësi
unlikely (adverb)
pa të ngjarë (ndajfolje)
pa qenë nevoja (ndajfolje)
palidhur, pa lidhje (mbiemër)
pa mend (mbiemër
papjekuri {f}
I think, the sign above a indicates exactly the voiceless p before the word.
Ancient Greek:

pyll {m}
Ancient Greek

i/e panjohur
Ancient Greek

virgin (adjective)
e paqirë, e paqira(tr.shq)
Ancient Greek
English (Only one entry.)
Shqip (Vetëm një hyrje.)
jobless, unemployed
i/e papunë, pa punë
Ancient Greek
English (Only one entry.)
Shqip (Vetëm një hyrje.)
pamësuar, paarsimuar
Let’s take a look at a complete sentence:
as soon as
sapo, porsa, posa
as far as. . ., as far as. . . is concerned. . .
përsa. . ., përsa qe i përket. . .
Now at the end let’s take a look at a very familiar word in the Modern Greek:
up(english)——– (ε)πάνω
(ε------subjunctive preposition)
In ancient Greek we have :
In ancient Greek we have :
It obvios that ἄνω is pronounced pano , and this adverb derives from the participle of the Albanian verb see(seen) which is parë or panë(gheg dialect).
rhotacism - Gheg has n where Tosk has r
English (7 entries.)
Shqip (7 hyrje.)
see (verb, p.t., p.p. saw, seen)
shoh (kr. thj., pj. pashë, parë), shof
The reason why the word up in Ancient “”Greek”” derives from the word panë(seen) has to do with the simple fact that the objects which are in higher positions are usually easily visible because there is no other things in betwen to ostacle the sight.
In the Gheg dialect which is the mother-language of the An.Greek(Pelasgians) language the verb inflection is different from the standart language:
Standart Gheg Standart
une shoh (I see) une phana une pashe (I saw)
ti sheh (you see) ti phane ti pe (you saw)
ai sheh (he sees) ai phani ai pa (he saw)
In Gheg Albanian the root of the word remains the same.
φ in the Ancient “Greek” represented [pʰ]
This is the reason why the Albanian word for invisible i/e papʰare
i/e padukshëm / i/e padallueshëm / i/e paparë
is the same with Ancient Greek word.
After these undeniable facts about orthography, phonetic and grammar of the Ancient “”Greek”” we must say:
Most of Ancient “”Greek”” words are compound words formed from simple primitive words which are inherited and still alive in an “”another”” language, in the Albanian language.
Why never heard of that?
The ancient history of Europe and Mediterranean is ‘pruned’ from other nations, leaving only Greeks and Romans.
This ‘haircut’ of the history shows only Greco-Roman look, thus you are led to believe in wrong, false things and stories. I hope, people who offered us this tabloid, didn’t make that on purpose, but only because of their ignorance and prejudice. I know they didn’t, because they believed the Modern Greeks are the descendants of the ancient ones. Please God forgive them, even if they call my study very revisionistic.
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