In the Balkan ‘party’ of the political struggle for creating ethnic identity, we find a new actor, the Macedonians. They are erecting to the best of their ability, a duplicate of the pathetic Serbian & Greek propaganda, always at the expense of the only language and culture unaltered nation: The Albanians.
After much preparation and a hard political battle with the Greeks, over the identity of the Ancient Macedonians and their symbol Alexander, the shameless Science Academy of Macedonia, came up with the so called Encyclopedia of the Macedonian History, claiming Alexander the Great and Ancient Macedonians their ancestor, while the Albanians as Mountains People, who usurped their beloved Macedonia about the 17-th Century. These thesis look identical to their Slavic brothers, Serbs, whose pretenses upon Albanian’s territories are supported to similar concepts of Albanians mass migrations towards Serbian’s land. Macedonians engaged in a desperate battle to their twins in propaganda, the Greeks, they found the way to get rid of their Albanian neighbors, claiming them in a desperate political movement under the cover of scientific “facts”, as not participants of the ancient history. Although the ancient Balkan territories were not part of anything resembling integrated national entities, the modern Macedonian and Greek scholars are fighting upon a name Alexander the Great. The Macedonians until now have not shown any particular connection to the ancient ones whatsoever, despite the enormous propaganda. So does the Greeks, except the language which for the sake of truth, has many lexical similarities. But we already know that their language is an adoption of Church Byzantine Empire language. Since their state creation a modern ethnic Greek doesn’t bear the same significance as the ancient one. Since its creation, the state of the so called Greeks doesn’t includes the territories lived completely or partially by the ethnic Greeks but those lands inhabited by various ethnic groups who: "took and will take the weapons" against the Ottoman dynasty.
Which in English means: Territories (lands) of
But let’s return back to the name of the Alexander or Ἀλέξανδρος.
According to the Greek propaganda :
proper name, from L., from Gk. Alexandros
"defender of men," from alexein "to
ward off, keep off, turn (something) away, defend, protect" + aner (gen. andros )
"man." The first element is related to Gk. alke
"protection, help, strength, power, courage," alkimos
"strong;" cf. also Skt. raksati
"protects," O.E. ealgian "to
defend." As a kind of cocktail, it is attested from 1930.
This explanation bears empiric features and
is linguistically incomplete. The verb alexein(αλέξείν) is phantomatic in the so called Ancient Greek
language, because it doesn’t appear to
be very popular in use in ancient text. It is probably an inflections of the
real verb guard, defend; watch for; (mid.) be on one’s
So let’s focus our attention in a very popular word of all the variants of the language which bear the name “Greek”, the word andros which is the second part of the name Alexandros. Any person who speaks Greek uses this word to denote a man. The exact word is andras, and during its declension it appears like this:
| |
ο άνδρας
οι άνδρες
| |
του άνδρα
των ανδρών
| |
τον άνδρα
τους άνδρες
| |
But no Greek knows the real meaning of the word. This word was one of the many which came deformed to the actual status during the countless adoptions and interventions in the language of the Ancient “Greeks”. The original word is:
It worth a try pronouncing this word which appear to be somehow different graphically from the modern word. We already know that ν(n) has a different pronunciation before the vowels, it becomes like new(nju-english), bagno(Italian) or njoh(Albanian)
Ancient Greek --------Albanian
Also ή in ancient Greek has similar phonetic value to date(dejt) in English and the same phonetic value to ë (Albanian), which is otherwise pronounced similar to i in Modern Greek.
So the entire word is not pronounced aner like the philologists claim, but anjër almost identical to the Albanian njëri whose meaning is man:
Even ‘a’ at the beginning of the word is the result of the adjacent nouns:
So the noun ‘anjër’ before becoming adjacent was a njër=is a man. It makes perfect sense in Albanian because një is the numeral one, and njëri is either used to denote a person(man) or as the definite of the numeral njëà njëri.
Thus the noun anjëri is not Greek at all, it is being used from Albanians even today, ex:
A njëri qe pot e kerkonà it is somebody/someone looking for you
We know that during the declension the “”Greek”” noun(except the fact it is not Greek) shows like this:
The switch from νà νδ during the declension is an Albanian phenomenon also. The switching to binary letters occurs because of the following consonant r. For example standard Albanian the indefinite nominal of the dream is ender, but when it goes to definite we have:
andëràandra, which in some archaic dialects still preserves the non digraph consonant ex: anëràandra . When it comes switching from one dialect to another the phenomenon is random:
nigjoj* ndigjoj(geg)à degjoj(tosk)--listen
niq(geg)à ndiq(tosk)---follow, pursue
nodhà ndodh—happens
Sometime modern Albanian preserves some archaic forms of the Ancient Greek (which is an old written Albanian dialect). For example:
Ancient Greek: αν(δ)ήρ~ander____________man
Albanian dhandër(geg) dhëndër(tosk)___________man, husband, groom
Where “dh” is also part of partition to the adjacent nouns and it means dha(give) merging its “a” with the following initial a of the word ander.
The word “aner” is not the only word where we find astonishing similarity with Albanian, and we have the transition νà νδ or δà νδ, we have many:
English (2 entries.)
Shqip (2 hyrje.)
dream (n)
ëndërr {f} (tsh ëndrra) (sh ëndrra) andër(geg)
dream (v) (irrv dreamt)
Where ô=à=ë(in many Albanian dialects)
English (Only one entry.)
Shqip (Vetëm një hyrje.)
ndjek (fprr ndoqa, ndjekur) ndiq
because of the transition from voiceless t----> voiced d
And is represented in Albanian words like:
English (11 entries.)
Shqip (11 hyrje.)
mind (n)
mendje {f}
mind (v)
vë mendjen, kushtoj vëmendje
mentor (n)
mendjedhënës / mendjedhënëse
mentor (n)
këshillues me përvojë
mentor (v)
këshilloj, jap mendje
think (irrv thought)
mendoj, mendohem
mendoj, krijoj
dwell on
mendoj gjatë, flas gjatë
imagjinoj, mendoj
Which in some Albanian dialect appears mentë, mendtë and where has come even the English word mean:
English (4 entries.)
Shqip (4 hyrje.)
mean (v) (irrv meant)
nënkuptoj, me mëndjen time, dua ate them
Now you should know what I meant, Macedonians and Greeks are engaged in a big quarrel, fighting upon something that is neither Greek nor Macedonian, but clearly related to the Albanians, and theirs are just efforts to create identities stealing wherever they can find one even though showing themselves shameless.
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