Tuesday 26 April 2022

Did they really speak Greek?

 Ancient Macedonia, was not a country which would look like a modern state, with an unified language and culture. Most of the ancient state entities were run by powerful theocrats who usually didn't speak the same language/s as the regular people.

The Macedonian rulers and theocrats, most likely have used a Greek dialect, for their religious activity,  but the regular people must have used one or more different spoken languages. We simply don’t know. We don’t even know if the Greek spoken by the elite, for their liturgy, is the Greek we know, because although many believe Greek was the vernacular language of a distinct nation, in fact it wasn’t. But that’s another issue, which leads to a long discussion, because people use the modern standards, to judge about the ethnicity and nationality of the past.

So for now lets leave the ancients, and lets go to the Middle ages.

In 1685 Petro Bogdano the archbishop of Scopie and Kingdom of Serbia, published in Italy his bilingual Gospel called “Cyneus Prophetarum” in Italian and Epirotic

What language is the Epirotic? It is certainly Albanian and there is no discussion about that:

but Bogdano calls himself a Macedon, which apparently is another identity. Not for Bogdano thou, he calls himself: born a Macedonian who master only Albanian, his native language well, out of the two languages Italian and Epirotic(Albanian) that he wrote the book.

So Macedonian is the Epirotic language, Albanian language.
Now someone would assume that because of the “bad habit” of the Middle Ages authors to call the new nations by their ancient names, will justify the fact that Macedonian and Epirotic are called Albanian . Fair enough, but then what happened to the Greek if the language of Macedonians and Epirots were to be originally Greek?
At this point someone will assume… I don’t know what.
The truth is that we don’t know what face the Greek language, have had in the past, but during Middle ages, the language scholars called it DEAD LANGUAGE, SCHOLASTIC a language USED ONLY BY THE LEARNED, NOT A NATIONAL LANGUAGE.

And by that we already know that the Greek, has been in the first place A SACRED LANGUAGE, not used by regular people.

The same authors(Johannes Amos Comenius 1592-1670), of the Great Didactic (Didactica Magna) keep calling Epirotic as Albanian, used in Epirus and Macedonia, and not strangely enough Serbian a dialect of the Bulgarian, and by Bulgarian they mean Old Church Slavonic, another sacred language, created almost 1000 years after, ancient Macedonia.

Now, the same Petro Bogdano, gives a time and a place about Alexander the Great Monarchy:

At this point, the time is not important but the place is, according to Bogdano, is Petrela Albania, which in Italian version is Pella. Strangely enough the name Macedonia(in Italian version) is called Matti in Albanian version, which reminds us the old name of it Emathia, a significant meaning in Albanian language: e mathia= the big one. As if this was not enough, he calls Alexander the Great: LEKA I MATH, which means the same thing: Alexander the Great, with a meaningful difference, that calling him like this, means he was son of that land, Albanian land. It’s clear that Bogdano, didn’t just create a spoiled name for Alexander, but he calls him by the name his own people call their son LEKA, and the name that 400 years after, Albanian nation would name their currency LEK

The same LEKA, was not an unclaimed Albanian figure, Scanderbeg himself, claimed him, his followers and Epirots who successfully fought against Rome, as Albanians:

But Scanderbeg had no idea that a time would come that a new nation created only in the 19th century will manage to convince the entire world, that Macedonians were Greeks, a thesis they will have hard time to prove, because the intellectuals long before them, in their own language, have permanently established what nation the Macedonians belong:

The Albanians more than any other nation on the face of Earth deserve to be called Macedonians.

Thursday 21 April 2022

Abbreviation of the semantics and the semantics of the abbreviations



All these terms regardless the language (Latin/English/Greek) dedicate their meaning to the uni-ty, number one.


Number one pronounced in different languages:


Unit—unison-unite-unity-universal, are all terms derived from the number 1 (un-o) semantics.

Unit---one entity

Unite---join in one

Unity----joined around one

Universal---one inclusion

So all these terms in English are about joining around a singularity.

Now linguistically, the analog terms in every language, has in common the letter N:

Latin-unus, Neolatin-uno, Germanic eins, Semi Latin/Germanic one, Greek ena, Catalan un

And goes like this for every language of this family. Therefore is obvious that the sound /N/, is the ideosound behind the meaning of this word, the ideo-sound of the singularity and continuity.

If you watch the structure of this word in most languages, we have v-c-v structure. Albanian is an exception, in this language we have a pure c-v monosyllabic structure një( and the dialectical variations nja, nië, një, njo, nje) which keep the nasal /N/ as the meaning spinal bone followed by a fluid vowel, which performs the function of a closing sound.

It’s obvious that in Proto-Albanian, a primitive NATURAL  language, this language employees an the ideo-sound /N/, to give a meaning to the word one-një. If we had to explain how did we arrive from proto n-à një, the evolution went like this. The sound /n/ although a powerful ideo-sound that serves as a bone, is not a complete body of a word, to express a complex semantics, like the meaning of singularity and unity, it needs a “flesh” around it, and this “flesh” is a the closing vowel /i/ in the case of Albanian:

N(as a ideosound)--->ni(completed followed by a closing sound)

But “ni” in Albanian creates a sound ligature: "nj", a phoneme on its own, which would request the necessity of  another vowel, to follow, usually ë, a, o, that doesn’t carry a semantic value, but is just there to complete the pronunciation, as a closing sound. So the initial /n/ evolves to “një” in a real spoken language, without losing the ability, to tell us the former primitive form. Other languages all derivates of a Sacred cultivated languages carry an initial vowel, which in fact different from the closing vowel, carries a semantic value, and this value is the meaning: is(to be)

is-est-është-osht-asht are all equal to a meaning e(in latin-italian). So if we had to use an abbreviation of this meaning, we simply use the initial vowel:

ena= e na= is one  (Greek)

one= o ne= is one  (English)

unus= u n(e) –us(parasitive suffix)  (Latin)

It’s clear that the words in these languages are manufactured terms and not a product of a spoken language.

Let’s get back to the Greek, this language is no exception, every single word in that language in this particular dictionary(fig 1), has originated from the meaning of one( unus), The word συν that normally has been translated “together” is just the “Greek version” of the Latin “con”=together, where:

c(latin)= σ (greek)

and υν =un=uno=one=1

What do represent c & σ? They simply are a short form of the word “qui” in Latin, and they instate its meaning by being represented as this same family letters:

σ->c->ç-> k->q in words like this:

cili or që (Albanian)---qui(Latin)---quale(Italian)---(whi)ch(English) and dozens of similar words in other languages.

So  συν in Greek, is exactly the same meaning as “con” in Latin=which one=which are included in one= together

And kοινή is exactly the same qi në= qui one

The word mono(μόνο) simply means: me no=with one, only one

Oμόνοια—>o-oμόνο-ια= the unity( ia feminine noun suffix) and o a definite article creating 

an adjacent word παρακείμενος, par exelence.


The examples are countless, every single word in every language does follow the rules

 of the semantics, and the abbreviations used by “the language engineers”,

 who created the sacred languages. 

There is NO PIE language, this hypothetical language, is a pure fabrication of the linguists mind, 

it’s a falsehood theory, which fails to understand that languages are in two forms,

 natural and cultivated by men, none of them comes from empiric primitive roots, 

but the former are created by served ideo-sounds in nature, mostly onomatopoeic , 

and the latter are just adjacent forms of the natural words, that join together in one the 

simple meanings, making them visually more complex.

Saturday 14 December 2019


Shouldn't be any debate, about the concept, if the sun is a star or not and vice-versa, and not because the Modern Astronomy says so. What is common between the sun and a star, is the illu-mination concept. Now a concept or a thought is the immediate post-action in our brain, after our perceptive senses, in our case the sight, are affected by a phenomenon, in this case the sun and star significant ability to "re-le-ase the li-ght". A thought is like a silent word, or a silent sentence "read" or "written" inside our brain. During their existence, different cultures for example the Ancient Greeks, mastered to express and/or graphically convey these "read" or "written" "words" and "sentences", inside our brain, and they 'decided', to call it λι(ος) or έλι(ος)( in its archaic form-Homeric) which is strikingly identical to the second part "ielli" of the word Dielli=sun in Albanian. Semantically the word Di-ielli, means "the day star" in Albanian, and is the final result after a series of minor sound treatment and changes, since the real word for "day" in Albanian is "dita", but the root "di" is followed by the ending 't' and nominative "a", the same like : dri-ta, na-ta, pa-ta, ty-ta etc. 

(Similar root we can find in Latin 'dies', which obviously yield 'dia' in Spanish or 'diorno' becoming 'giorno' in Italian after dg-->g sound transformation or 'journée' in French which probably yields the "journey" in English.)

So in few words the terms
λιος or έλι(ος) in Greek or Illi(ylli)[star] & Dielli(sun) are graphical representatives of a thought/s about a object/s which illu-minate/s.
Lexically and phonetically, now we are dealing again with involvement of an onomatopoeic syllabic supplement- structure: l+vowel, which happens to be a lexeme in Albanian 'le'=re-le-ase~lë-shoj(Al) unlike any other IE language. 

Definition of illumination, in every culture is:

1 : the action of supplying or brightening with light or the resulting state. 2 : the luminous flux per unit area on an intercepting surface at any given point — called also illuminance.

This "light supply"(illumination) or the synonym brightening, is called ndriç-im(ndritshim) in Albanian and is acquired : në drite(in light)-->n(ë)dritë)--->ndrit(verb)=gleam=glitten=briten

The involvement of a primitive onomatopoeic structure such as l-e, is done due to the automatic semantic reflexes the palatal "l" carries as an ideo-sound [or as an ideograph, to imitate the sound or the phenomenon it suggests. The automatic deployment of a following vowel in this minor phonetic structure is inevitable, and its frequent shifting to a different vowel occurs due to deflection or in some rare case preservation and prevention. This change in a phonetic environment is very normal for the reason expressed above, and certainly for the reason that a language is a vivid organism, which always changes, without losing the DNA, making it distinct among other languages. While the following vowel might shift to a different one, during declension or word meaning expansion, the phoneme "l", will never le-ave, but always will serve as a vessel to carry that initial abstract meaning, which will not be lost even during the word meaning expansion or contraction. 
Using this, is one path, to phonetically/graphically convey the illumination/sun~ star concept. In the case of a "star", Greek (and Latin) is using a different path, to achieve the same objective, coming from a different logics. It's called 'semantics transferability ', from Albanian to create certain dictionary in Greek. The word
στήρ (which predates the Latin 'aster'), is an adjacent compound word:

στήρ= +στήρ

---> privative preposition = to English un or NOT
στήρ--> is the Albanian meaning sterrë=dark, black

1. Shumë i zi; shumë i errët. Natë sterrë. Me leshrat sterrë. U nxi qielli, u bë sterrë.
2. Shumë i ngrysur a i zymtë. U bë sterrë në fytyrë.
3. fig. Që u ka bërë shumë të këqija të tjerëve ose që u dëshiron të keqen, i zi; i përlyer. E ka ndërgjegjen sterrë. E ka shpirtin sterrë.
4. si ndajf. Shumë, fare (për ngjyrën e zezë). Sterrë i zi. I zi sterrë.

carrying the same meaning with:

Errësirë. Terri i natës. Iku (u zhduk) nëpër terr. Erdhi për terr erdhi nëpër errësirë; erdhi në të errur, erdhi vonë. Dolëm nga terri.

which derives again from:

ERR kal.
1. E mbaj dikë deri vonë natën, e vonoj derisa ta zërë nata. Më erri nata më zuri nata. Mos më err.
2. E bëj dikë të mos shohë fare a të mos shohë mirë për një farë kohe, e verboj.
Ia erri sytë dielli.
3. fig. E bëj të mjerë a fatkeq, nxij. Ia erri jetën.
* I erri sytë vdiq.

s(initial reinforcement sound) +t (vowel treated 'të' article) +err(make dark, not-visible-verb)

The compound word simply means: not-dark, since a star is the only object which illuminates in the night sky darkness and it's not result of any descendance from the presumed PIE root garbage.
This is not an isolated case in Greek, when semantics transferability protocol "borrowing" semantics from Albanian, is enforced. There are many, but one should have a deep understanding in Albanian, to realise that connection between two languages.
The word 'αφρός' seems to have no connection with its cognate in Albanian : 'shkumë'. But, the truth is that it borrows its meaning from another Albanian concept afr-oj=appro-ach . The sea-foam is an object in nature, which "the Greeks" have seen to always reach the coast, coming from a certain distance from the sea.
The word itself is used to name the "Morning Star"--Afro-dita, which roughly can be translated : "The day is approaching" which means the "Dawn is coming close". This post will help, to understand that the truth simply can't be hidden in darkness forever, the sun will bring the light, and it will be Aferdita, to signal it first.

Friday 13 December 2019


The people are interested to know the ethymology of the words sometime, or anytime if you are a person who likes the languages and their origin. So it’s natural to open an Etimology Dictionary(usually to take the wrong information). So did we, being interested for the word ethnic, we opened the ONLINE ETYMOLOGY DICTIONARY:

comb. form of Gk. ethnos “people, nation, class” (see ethnic), used to form modern compounds such as ethnology (1842, by J.S. Mill) and ethnocentric, 1900, which was a technical term in social sciences until it began to be more widely used in the second half of the 20th century.

Felt a little bit surprised, because we found nowhere an etymological explanation of the word ethnos(which we already know the meaning, just asked for etymology of the word) we continued our search. So far so good,

c.1375, from Scottish, “heathen, pagan,” and having that sense first in Eng., from Gk. ta ethne, used in Septuagint translation to render Heb. goyim, pl. of goy “nation,” especially of non-Israelites, hence “Gentile nation.” Ta ethne is from Gk. ethnos “band of people living together, nation, people,” prop. “people of one’s own kind,” from PIE *swedh-no-, suffixed form of base *s(w)e- (see idiom). Sense of “peculiar to a race or nation” is 1851, return to the word’s original meaning; that of “different cultural groups” is 1935; and that of “racial, cultural or national minority group” is Amer.Eng. 1945. Ethnicity is from 1953; ethnic cleansing is from 1991.

At this point we are stunned. Ethnos –according to the “proffesional linguists”-derives from


Our modern understanding of the “nationality” is a complex one and  we are not certain if we could apply the same toward the people of antiquity. However we will follow a simple rule: During all the times every person is borne with a nationality. This rule must be valid for the people who in Classical Era were called Hellenes. We will start right there, Classical Era. It has been widely accepted that the classical Hellenes were not an uniform body of people, many nationalities were forming  the “nation” called Hellenes.
It was  two mayor distinct groups among  many other nationalities :

  1. Pelasgians(which were not proper Hellenes), a pre-Hellenic people which include:
a.    Ionians
b.    Athenians
c.     Aeolians
d.    Islanders

    2. Hellenes
            a. Dorians

The falsification of the inscriptions transliteration in the “”Greek”” Corpus of Epigraphy?

Searchable Greek Inscriptions
A Scholarly Tool in Progress

The Packard Humanities Institute

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2 fjali


It is clearly visible not SIMIA LYKISKOI but FIMIA XIYNEPON(FIMIA HYJNERON)= The child deifies
The unusual word XIYNERON, which falls short of our expectation to be a "Greek" one,  possibly a variation of the ευχη (pray to the Gods),  "strangely" looks very Albanian: hyjneron a verb (3-rd singular) derived from the noun Hy-u=God, Deity
English (2 entries.)                                                                                        Shqip (2 hyrje.)
deity                                                                                   hyjni (sh hyjni), hy {m} (tsh hyu) (sh hyj)
God                                                                                                              hy {m} (tsh hyu) (sh hyj)

The child is deified, let it be for the good.


In considering whether the Modern Greek language is a natural descendant of the Ancient one, I have complete confidence in replying in the negative. I have many reasons thinking this.
Although Modern Greek language is often credited or it often ‘credits’ itself, being a Hellenic dialect continuously spoken in the Greek family hearths, generation after generation, it doesn’t look to me it really happened. It was another place where this language has been continuously spoken: the Church.
Yes it’s been spoken from a limited number of middle class orthodox believers Ottoman families ,  of some high ranking Christian Church clergy and a very small minority of Christian educated [in the best case since the Byzantine Church artificially adopted the Koine (and not the Attic, like some people like to say) language for liturgic purposes. Other than that no one spoke Greek before Greece was a country .
The Koine itself was a semi artificial language, and was spread to the East mostly for liturgics and political and comercial purposes, and never represented the original language of the Hellenes, like it never represented the Hellenes themselves.
The exorbitant fantasy of the theory in which the Modern Greeks are